Monday, June 8, 2009

Prolonged Absence of Buzz

I'm proud to say that I've successfully completed my WWC (Week Without Coffee). By far the biggest payoff was the see, I told you I could do it feeling. I even did it without being ridiculously irritable or mean to anyone (I think). The first couple of days were relatively easy, but then it got tough as my cravings intensified. I correctly predicted that I would not suffer headaches or any other physical withdrawal symptoms, but my mental battles with myself could get pretty brutal.

I was especially tempted after lunch on Tuesday (5-day mark), but no, I told myself, I can and will hold myself accountable. After that, I seemed to be over the hump, and it got easier again. It was a bell curve, if you will (sorry, my inner nerd is always rambunctious and occasionally irrepressible) - here's a visual:

On Thursday morning, I checked my previous WWC post to see exactly when my week would be up - 1:58pm. I decided that I would break my coffee fast the first time I had a real urge; I wouldn't drink it right at 1:58pm just because I could. So I ended up going without until Friday after lunch. A whole extra day! I broke my fast at Dunkin' Donuts because Friday was National Doughnut Day, and I never pass up a chance to get a free doughnut!

Within moments of drinking the first half of my small DD coffee, I could feel the caffeine coursing through my veins. And I must say, I didn't miss that sensation. Based on my WWC, I seem to crave coffee not for the caffeine buzz but more for its taste and familiar comfort. What I hope to take away from the experience is a greater tendency to ask myself, Do I really want another cup or would I be drinking it 'just because'? I think this will lead me to drink a little less coffee from now on and maybe, just maybe, even reach for the decaf every once in a while.

Except for the prolonged absence of buzz, I didn't notice any differences in the way my body was feeling without coffee. I suppose I would have to take on the challenge for much longer than one week to track any possible changes. But that was never, and isn't now, my intention. I know my overall health is affected by a vast and varied compendium of factors, some of which are far beyond my control. Surely coffee alone is not a deal maker or breaker. So drink up, fiends, and mark your calendar with my new favorite day: National Doughnut Day is always the first Friday in June.

1 comment:

  1. I see you completely forgot your manic episode where you beat me senseless and ordered me to make you some coffee. How convenient! ;)
